№ 863 (2017)

УДК 658.8
JEL: М31

Ю. Т. Савченко
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Савченко Ю. Т., 2017

Важливе стратегічне рішення приймають підприємства-виробники інвестиційних товарів при виборі структури маркетингових каналів розподілу. Обрані форми збуту і взаємозв’язок між усіма учасниками збутової мережі мають задовольняти потреби цільових споживачів та відповідати цілям маркетингової стратегії підприємства. Виявлено основні характерні риси ринку технічних засобів безпеки. Проаналізовано показники збуту підприємств-виробників у ланцюгу створення систем протипожежного захисту. Досліджено зв’язок між учасниками каналів розподілу і подано рекомендації щодо вдосконалення співпраці в каналах розподілу систем протипожежного захисту.
Ключові слова: маркетингова політика розподілу, канали розподілу, форми організації збуту, показники збуту, система протипожежного захисту.


© Savchenko J., 2017

Important strategic decisions are made by manufecturers of investment goods in course of choosing the structure of marketing distribution channels. The chosen sales forms and the relationship between all the participants of sales network should satisfy the needs of target customers and meet the objectives of marketing strategy. The main principles of technical security means market have been found out: the decisions of governmental institutions have significant impact on Ukrainian market; certain deformity can be traced at Ukrainian market as a result of its low price level orientation; Ukrainian security market is relatively small in terms of geographical scope and values measurement. In order to optimize decision making process for the enterprises of Ukrainian technical security means market concerning their development strategy, one should possess information about current trends and challenges of the market both in Ukraine and within its individual regions. Sales performance indices of manufacturers in chain of fire protection systems creation have been analysed. The connection between the participants of distribution channels has been researched and recommendations on improving cooperation in distribution channels of fire protection systems have been presented. Competition is tougher among agents who promote products and services rather than among manufacturers of these products. Since fire protection systems are installed during construction or reconstruction of buildings, moreover, construction customers can be representatives of different sectors, this market is considered to be horizontal, for this reason, services of independent agents such as design-assembly and assembly organizations are used. What is important about cooperation between manufacturers of fire protection systems and agents is information support. Information should be provided promptly and completely. Completeness depends on the guidelines developed by the manufacturers. The quality of information depends on the qualified supply personnel. The concept of “new sales” should be actively applied at the market, particularly consultative sales, system sales, negotiation sales that will strengthen the role of trade personnel in strategic marketing of manufacturers. Due to economic and political situation, design assembly organizations displace more and more design organizations out of the market and these are the most effective independent sales agents, therefore, the very distribution channel is the most promising and topical. Changing operating conditions of manufacturers of fire protection systems updates studying the effectiveness of different distribution channels, marketing distribution policy as a part of functional area of marketing, as well as sales logistics performance that will be the subject of further research.
Key words: marketing politics of distribution, channels of distribution, forms of organization of sale, indexes of sale, fire protection system.

Література – 10

УДК 005.336.4:334.716
JEL classification: D83, J24, M12, O34

Й. С. Ситник
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Ситник Й. С., 2017

Досліджено сутність та виокремлено рівні інтегрування складових систем менедж¬менту підприємств на засадах інтелектуалізації управління. Сформовано цільові та пред¬метні різновиди інтеграції підсистем менеджменту у процесі інтелектуалізації. Визначено, що метою інтегрування є досягнення власних або спільних цілей, створення власних або спільних продуктів підсистем із високим рівнем їх синергійності та емерджентності. З’ясовано, що рівень активації інтелектуально-знаннєвих активів у системі менеджменту підприємств залежить від світоглядного, організаційного, мотиваційного, культурологіч¬ного аспектів, які культивуються у середовищі систем та окремими інтелектоносіями. Сформовано модель інтегрування підсистем та інтелекто¬носіїв у системі менеджменту підприємств у процесі їх взаємодії. Розроблено організа¬ційно-функціональну модель механізму інтегрування підсистем (інтелектоносіїв) у системі менеджменту на засадах інтелектуалізації, яка передбачає поетапне здійснення шести основних функцій.
Ключові слова: інтеграція, підсистема, інтелектоносій, система менеджменту, інтелектуалізація, модель, механізм, критерій.


© Sytnyk I. S., 2017

In the article investigational essence and even integrations of the component systems of management of enterprises are selected on principles of intellectualization of management. It is made to order to consider the basic levels of integration in the systems of management of enterprises: between subsystem, internal subsystem, functional, professionally intellectual, personality subsystem, personality system, system (subsystem) - external, personality external. The having a special purpose and subject varieties of integration of management subsystems are formed in the process of intellectualization. Their essence is that in the structure of the management system there is a row of management (media intelligence) subsystems which carry out the processes of integration in relation to a trade-out intellectual-knowledge assets. The purpose of integration is achievement of own or general aims, creation of own or general products of subsystems with a high level them synergistic and emergent. Intellectual-knowledge assets of the systems of management of enterprises unlike material, financial, investment, labour, actually simultaneously and in full can be activated in space and time. In different projects, subsystems and systems of management of internal and external environments. Level of activating intellectual-knowledge assets in the system of management of enterprises depends on a world view, organizational, motivational, cultural aspects which are cultivated in the environment of the systems and separate media intelligence. The model of integration of subsystems and media intelligence is formed in the system of management of enterprises in the process of their co-operation. It is suggested the basic forms of integration to consider: advising, exchange intellectual-knowledge assets, intelligence policies, impresario, co-ordination, experimental centres, management intellectual-knowledge assets, forming of ownership rights on intellectual-knowledge assets. By basic integrative strategies certainly integration is a “sentinel”, integration is “spatial” and integration is “administrative”. The condition of forming of effective case of enterprises frame on principles of integration and intellectualization is an active exchange by intellectual-knowledge products between subsystems (media intelligence), which must be formalized in part of authentication, control and fixing of intellectual ownership rights. The organizationally functional model of mechanism of integration of subsystems (media intelligence) is developed in the system of management on principles of intellectualization which foresees stage-by-stage realization of six basic functions. Monitoring of process of intellectualization and integration in the systems of management of enterprises. Evaluation of process of intellectualization of the systems of management and his effectiveness. Determination of factors of actualization of processes of integration on principles of intellectualization. A lineation of the stages of realization of processes of integration of subsystems (media intelligence) is in the system of management. Development of strategy, tactic and form of integration of subsystems (media intelligence) is in the system of management. Providing of realization of initiatives is from integration of subsystems (media intelligence) in the system of management..
Key words: integration, subsystem, media intelligence, management system, intellectualization, model, mechanism, criterion.
Література – 20

UDC 658
JEL M310

О. Смалей
Університет ім. Марії Кюрі-Склодовської, м. Люблін (Республіка Польща)


© Смалей О., 2017

Предметом статті є способи прийняття рішень про купівлю молодими людьми. Аналітична інформація ґрунтується на анкетному опитуванні із використанням методу випадкової вибірки. Дослідження порівнює дві групи покупців: з покоління Z та з покоління Y. Дослідження показало існування відмінностей поміж групами у чотирьох з десяти величинах аналізованих споживацьких рішень.
Ключові слова: покоління Y, покоління Z, молоді споживачі, поведінка споживачів, способи прийняття споживацьких рішень.

O. Smalej
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University


© Smalej O., 2017

The subject of the present article is consumer decision-making styles of young persons. The analysis is based on a questionnaire using the technique of random survey. The study compares two groups of buyers – consumers from generation Z and consumers from generation Y. The analysis reveals the existence of differences between the groups in four out of ten dimensions of analyzed consumer decisions.
Key words: Z generation, Y generation, young consumers, consumers behaviour, consumer’s decision-making styles.

Література – 12

УДК 339:138

О. М. Cтець
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Стець О. М., 2017

Обґрунтовано основні цінності, які підприємство може запропонувати для клієнта: новизну, виробництво, виготовлення під замовлення, “робити свою роботу”, дизайн, бренд (статус), ціну, зменшення витрат, зниження ризиків, доступність, зручність (засто¬сування), креативність, індивідуальність. Детально розкрито їхню суть. Досліджено ієрархію цінності молокопродукції для споживача. Виявлено, що цінність для клієнта є суб’єктивним, оцінним показником, залежить від порівняльної важливості потреби, для задоволенню якої слугує продукт, від ступеня задоволення духовної потреби продуктом.
Ключові слова: цінність, клієнт, потреби, підприємства, молокопродукція, задово-лення клієнта, товар.


© Stets О., 2017

Major values that may be offered by a company to a customer have been substantiated in the article. Novelty is characterized by constant product range updating. Production lies in creation of attractive appearance, forming correct first impression from the product. Customized manufacturing may satisfy a demanding customer, requiring timely delivery, exclusiveness and appropriate quality, at the same time willing to pay high price for that. “Doing the right job” means valuable manufacturer’s assistance in the form of recommendations to a consumer regarding production or formation of final product’s components. Design increases satisfaction from the product use. A brand has to be properly positioned for successful existence on the market. From customer’s perspective the price determines product positioning on the market. Use of new technologies, for instance, means costs reduction. Risk reduction involves consideration of the following issues: right choice of suppliers, frequency and causes of conflicts with them, possible violations of terms and completeness of delivered products, defective or counterfeit goods. Product availability around the clock means instant access to the product and its fast delivery. Convenience (use) is characterized by easy choice, spending reasonably little time and money, increase of geographical and temporal availability and affordability of goods, etc. Creativity is characterized by creation of customized product that meets inner aspirations and ideals of its creators as well as the principles of economic feasibility, at the same time providing elation. Individuality is expressed in customer satisfaction from purchased goods forming their special position in society.
The hierarchy of values of dairy products for consumers has been studied. It has been revealed that value for a customer is a subjective, evaluative factor depending on the relative importance of the need, satisfied by the product, as well as on the degree of the spiritual needs satisfaction.
The methods for calculation of the intensity distribution indices characterizing availability of goods in the targeted area or studied regional panel have been presented in order to justify customers’ areal coverage by the relevant subjects of distribution and trade networks. These indices include: intensive (numeric) distribution, effective distribution, relative market coverage, average share in turnover, market share, quality of distribution.
Key words: value, customer needs, enterprises, dairy products, customer satisfaction, product.

Література – 12

УДК: 658.7:001.895
JEL Classification: M3; L87

В. А. Фалович
Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя


© Фалович В. А., 2017

Проаналізовано управління ланцюгами поставок у структурі логістичних послуг вітчизняних підприємств й ідентифіковано базові характеристики сучасного ланцюга поставок. Встановлено, що глобалізація й інтернаціоналізація, зростаюча конкуренція і орієнтація на кінцевого споживача, розвиток інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій та електронної комерції окреслили значний потенціал розвитку ланцюгів поставок. Встановлено існування різних форм взаємовідносин між постачальниками та клієнтами, зміни бізнес-процесів, що зумовлені впровадженням у функціонування ланцюга поставок сучасних інформаційних технологій. Оцінено його структуру у контексті ідентифікації джерел формування емерджентних властивостей.
Ключові слова: ланцюг поставок, інвестиційні товари, аутсорсинг, інформаційні технології, координація, перерозподіл ресурсів, емерджентність

V. A. Falovych
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical Univerisity


© Falovych V. A., 2017

It is made the analysis in managing of supply chain in the structure of domestic enterprises and it is identified the basic characteristics of the modern supply chain: creating of additional value in each of its link (stages of products creation or services); integrated properties; orientation of all participants in the supply chain on common result – to satisfy end-user; global character.
It is identified the meaning of concepts which are closed in meaning to the term “supply chain” and it is found that the semantic content of these terms depends upon: the type of market in which the organization operates its activity; and upon the brunch where it operates; particular positions of the organization; the maturity of economic relations in the country.
It is found that globalization and internationalization, increased competition and focus on the end consumer, the development of ICT and e-commerce outlined the great potential of the supply chain. It is determed the existence of different forms of relationships between suppliers and customers, and changes in business processes, which are caused by the implementation of supply chain functioning of modern information technologies.
It is proved that the material, information and financial flows should be considered as integrators of supply chain, which provide its origin emergent properties. Connections are usually established between components and process control levels of each participant in order to facilitate the free flow of data between them. Coordination of partners actions in the supply chain is achieved when each participant, making decisions, acts rationally, taking into account the needs and capabilities of all partners and the supply chain as a whole. Coordination is a necessary condition for achieving the common goal of supply chain as a whole and all its parts.
It is established that receiving of such properties in the supply chain as emergence is not possible, if not eliminate all possible conflicts that may arise between partners in the supply chain (between the manufacturer and the carrier between the carrier and distributor between the supplier, manufacturer, carrier and distributor).
Increased dependence of partners in the supply chain increases the degree of risk and uncertainty at a time of rising profits. To solve these problems, supply chain members should strive for maximum interaction and coordination of their actions to with each other. This supply chain partners are required to identify coordination mechanisms that will help to reduce uncertainty in the supply chain and ensure coordination of all partners in it, including the rational reallocation of resources and at the same time, the rapid formation of strategy and tactics of behavior in the market using global trends to their advantage. The following of such conditions will improve the efficiency of the supply chain, increasing its maximum emergence.
Key words: supply chain, capital goods, outsourcing, information technology, coordination, reallocation of resources, emergence.

Література – 37

УДК 629.33:658.6+658.8

В. М. Юськів, О. І. Сороківський
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
І. Б. Соколовський
ТзОВ “Аверс”


 Юськів В. М., Сороківський О. І., Соколовський І. Б., 2017

Розглянуто особливості системи матеріально-технічного забезпечення автомобільного сервісу з погляду маркетингу та визначено вплив сучасних обставин, які впливають на формування середовища та вибір логістичної концепсії постачання. Вона полягає в необхідності поєднання задоволення попиту на послуги автосервісу з матеріально-технічним забезпеченням виробництва самого підприємства. Важлива роль у реалізації логістичного підходу відводиться керуванню запасами постачання: інформаційно-аналітичному забезпеченню, їх стабільності та кількості, контролю, нормуванню і регулюванню номенклатури.
Ключові слова: автосервісні підприємства в Україні, логістична концепція, АВС-XYZ-аналіз, матеріально-технічне забезпечення.


 Yuskiv V. M., Sorokivskyi O. I., Sokolovsky I. B., 2017

The System of logistics car service significantly affects the technical availability of the rolling stock. Improving the supply chain process is one of the ways to increase the efficiency of the vehicles operation.
The aim of our study is to analyze the current state of the system of Ukrainian logistics car service companies taking into consideration the current trends and indicators of their operation; and to elaborate the development strategy concept based on the example of stations “Avers”, proceeding from the logistic concept.
One of the organization chart options for logistics enterprises is to delegate all supply functions and authority to one unit, that is the logistics unit of the company.
The material resources can be procured directly from the manufacturer or via facilitator, which is specialized in certain types of resources, and the vast range of deliverables can be presented to the consumers in the collated format.
The various forms can be used to provide the consumers with the material resources: transit, storage, via wholesale warehouse, or via direct long bonds.
As an analysis sample the performance of “Avers” stations will be taken, that is the official dealer of MAN Truck and Bus Ukraine.
For the analysis we selected several indicators that directly or indirectly outline the resource loading of the logistics company service centers like: cost of service activities; and the associated costs; number of job orders; cost of sold spare parts; cost of the sold replacement parts for warranty service of MAN vehicles.
The financial stability indicators of the enterprise demonstrate the positive trends. Thus, the rate of standard hours is stable and showed a slight growth, with a significant increase in the total annual number of hours.
The spare parts are mainly sold through via service. The percentage of the sale of spare parts constitutes 80 %. The remaining 20 % of the spare parts are sold directly to the final consumer, who himself carries out the repair work. The dynamics of its changes depends on changes in the number of job orders.
Analyzing the activity of the car service company “Avers” LLC during the period from 2010 to 2014, we can make a conclusion that the creation of the production logistics system would provide the solution to such pressing tasks as monitoring the activities of structural units and services company and identifying its “bottlenecks”, that generate basic production costs; determining the actual cost of certain kinds of the repair and maintenance services of rolling stock, infrastructure, bringing in the changes to the production structure in order to increase really profitable types of services.
Key words: auto service company in Ukraine, logistic concept, ABC-XYZ analysis, logistics.

Література – 10

УДК: 658.7:001.895
JEL: М31, L49, L90

Л. Я. Якимишин
Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя


 Якимишин Л. Я., 2017

Ідентифіковано найбільш суттєві потреби споживачів товарів повсякденного попиту, які має задовольняти конкретний ланцюг. Проаналізовано особливості товарів повсякденного попиту, що дало змогу ідентифікувати їх типовий перелік з погляду вітчизняного споживача. Виокремлено дві великі групи товарів повсякденного попиту, які покладено в основу досліджуваного ланцюга поставок: продукти харчування і напої; нехарчові продукти. Виявлено найбільш суттєві характеристики товарів повсякденного попиту з позиції виробника, ринку та інших його учасників. Встановлено наявність серйозних бар’єрів в Україні розвитку ланцюгів поставок, що є стимулом для перегляду підприємствами своїх бізнес-процесів і пошуку шляхів підвищення їх ефективності.
Ключові слова: ланцюг поставок, товари повсякденного попиту, потреби споживачів, ринок товарів повсякденного попиту.


 Yakymyshyn L. Ya., 2017

The most essential consumer needs of every day goods meeting the demands of specific chain are identified. It is determined that from the point of view on supply chains control goods classification according to the character of their final use is of great importance. It gives us an opportunity to identify the needs of end-consumers, their preferences and customs, which in its turn specify approaches to the promotion, production and supply of such products in the chains and developing effective relationship between participants as well.
Carried our investigation of every day goods peculiarities made it possible to identify their typical list from the point of view of domestic consumer. Two large groups of every day goods which form the basis of the investigated supply chain: food products and drinks, non-food products are distinguished. The most essential characteristics of every day goods from the points of view of producer, market and their participants are defined.
The main distinctive features of the market selling every day goods are identified. They are: seasonality, high competition, dynamics, constant struggle for leadership. It was determined that the shift of consumer needs to cheaper every day goods produced in Ukraine as the result of the decrease of the population purchase power is the main tendency. Every day goods peculiarities from the points of view of manufactures and distributors are defined. As the result the reasons for the concepts of such products promotion, production and supply in supply chains as well as logistic aspects of these processes control were given.
Comparison of these criteria according to the perspective of manufactures and distributors led to the following conclusions: financial results of both manufactures and distributors activity to a large extend is rather stable and high; two main sales peculiarities are the speed of assortment renewal which is high for distributors taking into account their dependence on consumer needs changes and low for manufacturers who tend first and foremost to implement scale effect for cost saving; the role of marketing in products realization which is insignificant for manufacturers but significant for distribution; from the point of view of logistics it is important competence for both market players, the main difference is in supply volume – for manufacturers they are large products lots while distributors tend to order small ones.
Summarized market characteristics of every day goods and its participants depicts comparison of peculiarities in the whole market of the investigated products group with characteristic features of manufacturing companies and distributors which is the useful tool in the guideline selection for actual strategic and operative decisions choice for every day goods supply chains.
The existence of serious barriers in Ukraine concerning supply chains development is determined. It motivates revision of business-processes by enterprises and search of the ways of the increase of their effectiveness.
Key words: supply chain, everyday goods, consumer needs, every day goods market.

Література – 17

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