№ 862 (2017)

УДК 657.6
Н. В. Москаль
Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
© Москаль Н. В., 2017
Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти аудиту системи економічної безпеки підприємства, зокрема, досліджено структуру системи економічної безпеки і визначено мету, предмет, об’єкти аудиту, розроблено критерії оцінки цієї системи та завдання аудиту. Метою аудиту системи економічної безпеки підприємства є висловлення незалежного судження аудитора стосовно адекватності цієї системи та ефективності її функціонування. Предметом такого аудиту є сукупність інформації про організацію системи економічної безпеки, її структуру, завдання, методику їх виконання, процес функціонування та результати, вплив цієї системи на рівень економічної безпеки підприємства. Критерії оцінки системи економічної безпеки підприємства доцільно поділити на дві групи: адекватність (комплексність, безперервність, компетентність) та ефективність (результативність, економічна доцільність, своєчасність).
Ключові слова: економічна безпека, аудит системи економічної безпеки, предмет аудиту, об’єкти аудиту, критерії оцінки системи економічної безпеки підприємства.
N. V. Moskal
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
© Moskal N. V., 2017
The scientific article studied the theoretical aspects of the audit of economic security of enterprise. The level of economic security is an important indicator of the financial situation, stability, prospects of the company for its owners, staff and investors. Business entities are adopting a system of economic security to determine the level of economic security, to monitor its changes and create conditions for its improvement. Audit is an independent and competent control with which business entities can to verify the adequacy and effectiveness of economic security system.
Scientific article studies the structure of the system of economic security and defines the audit purpose, audit objects, the article develops the criteria for evaluation of this system and objectives of the audit. The purpose of auditing of economic security system, is to express an independent auditors judgment regarding the adequacy of this system and the efficiency of its operation. The subject of this auditing is a set of information about: the organization of economic security system, its structure, objectives, methods of implementation and results, impact of this system on the level of economic security. Objects of audit: the organizational support of the system of economic security, the functioning of this system, reports, recommendations and suggestions to enhance the level of economic security and the level of economic security for the period of the system activity. Criteria for evaluation of economic security system are divided into two groups: adequacy (comprehensiveness, continuity, competence) and performance (effectiveness, economic feasibility, timeliness). The proposed auditing objectives take into account the goal of audit, criteria for evaluation and objects of audit.
Key words: economic security, audit of economic security system, objects of auditing, criteria for evaluation of economic security of enterprise.

Література – 6

УДК 657
М. М. Нашкерська
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
© Нашкерська М. М., 2017
У науковій статті розглянуто напрями аналізу основних засобів бюджетної установи з врахуванням специфіки діяльності цих установ. Під час аналізу необхідно враховувати, що основні засоби бюджетної установи не беруть участі у виробництві матеріальних благ. Такі матеріальні активи використовуються у процесі створення і надання нематеріальних послуг суспільству. Сформульовано мету, завдання й інфор¬маційне забезпечення основних засобів бюджетної установи. Розглянуто класифікацію основних засобів за різними ознаками та окреслено напрями їх аналізу.
Ключові слова: основні засоби, аналіз, бюджетна установа, необоротні активи, класифікація, інформаційне забезпечення, ефективність, загальний фонд, спеціальний фонд, споживачі послуг.
M. M. Nashkerska
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Nashkerska M. M., 2017
The article examines trends in the analysis of fixed capital assets of budgetary institutions taking into account the specifics of the institution’s activity. In the process of analysis it should be considered that fixed capital assets of budgetary institutions are not involved in the creation of material assets. They are used in the creation and provision of intangible services to the society. The aim of the study is to outline the main trends in the analysis of fixed capital assets of budgetary institutions, taking into account the and specifics and characteristics of these institutions. The task of the analysis of fixed capital assets is formulated; the information support is defined – accounting and reporting, non-accounting and normative information. The classification of fixed capital assets is considered according to the following classification criteria: the participation in the activities of institutions – active and passive; the degree of use – in use, in reserve, not used; attribution to the institution – owned and leased; source of funding – from the general fund, from the special fund. Research areas of fixed capital assets of budgetary institutions are formulated – analysis of the institution’s security with fixed capital assets; analysis of the condition of fixed capital assets (including the calculation and analysis of the depreciation and availability coefficients, the age structure assessment, the level of progressivity and innovation of fixed capital assets); analysis of the efficiency of active and passive parts of fixed capital assets is carried out on the basis of calculation of capital productivity ratio; analysis of the identification of needs and formulation of recommendations for improving the institution’s security with necessary fixed capital assets, which is based on the abovementioned analysis.
Analytical procedures that should be carried out in the course of the analysis in the defined trends are specified and tools to implement them are outlined. Based on the results of the analysis of fixed capital assets management will have exact information on the level of institution’s security with necessary modern fixed capital assets and timely identify the need for new ones. This will enable preliminary planning and formation of the purchase of modern fixed capital assets in the draft budget for new time, specify the sources of its funding (general or special funds). However, appraisal methodology of the efficient use of fixed capital assets, which includes not only the features of budgetary institution’s activity, but also their industry affiliation and specifics of their activity, needs further improvement.
Key words: fixed capital assets, analysis, budgetary institutions, non-current assets, classification, information, performance general fund, special fund, consumers of services.

Література – 5

УДК 657.62:658.29
М. В. Одрехівський, Б. В. Наконечний
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
© Одрехівський М. В., Наконечний Б. В., 2017
Проаналізовано організацію системи обліково-аналітичного забезпечення інно¬вацій¬них підприємств (ІП), яка має бути адекватною до ринкових умов господа¬рювання, гнучкою та адаптогенною до умов зовнішнього середовища, сприяти зростанню інвестиційної привабливості ІП, прийняттю оптимальних управлінських рішень та відпрацюванню стратегічних завдань, з метою забезпечення ІП стійкого розвитку.
Ключові слова: аналіз, забезпечення, завдання, інноваційне підприємство, облік, організація, підходи, рішення, система.
M. V. Odrekhivskyi, B. V. Nakonechnyj
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Odrekhivskyi M. V., Nakonechnyj B. V., 2017
The paper aims at researching the approaches towards the implementation of the tasks of the system of accounting and analytical provision of Innovational Enterprises (IE). Audit and Analysis of Innovational Enterprises (IE) is predetermined by the demands of functioning and management of their economic mechanism. The subject matter lies in the methodological approaches to the organization of the system of accounting and analytical provision of IE which can be implemented in accordance with the algorithm that includes the following: determination of the standards of research, production and service operations; determination of the working time necessary for the fulfillment of research, production and service operations by the employees; determination of the wage of the working time unit of employees, taking into account the general level of their income; determination of the expenditures on equipment, hardware, tools made of natural resources, other expenses; determination of the percentage share of the salaries among all expenses on innovational activities; determination of the price of innovational goods and services; determination of the cost of innovational goods and services.
The object of the present study comprises the process of accumulation, processing and presentation of data about economic activities of IE, systematization, grouping and compiling data in order to receive result-oriented information about economic activities, sufficient provision of the evaluation, analysis and prediction processes with the required data which is targeted at optimal regulation of processes of economic tasks’ fulfillment, control over economic activities.
Based on the results presented in the research, it is possible to conclude that the organization of the system of accounting and analytical provision of IE has to be adequate to the market conditions of economic activity, flexible and adaptable to the external conditions as well as to boost the innovational appeal of IE, optimal decision-making and strategic planning that is aimed to provide IE the sustainable development.
Key words: analysis, provision, task, innovational company, accounting, organization, approaches, decisions, system.

Література – 7

УДК 338.45
Г. О. Партин, А. Г. Загородній
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
© Партин Г. О., Загородній А. Г., 2017
У статті на основі результатів дослідження питання щодо призначення і змісту інтегрованої звітності обґрунтовано необхідність систематизованого висвітлення у такій звітності інформації про взаємовідносини підприємства зі стейкхолдерами. Визначено роль стейкхолдерів у створенні підприємством вартості, наведено характеристику інформації щодо взаємовідносин підприємства зі стейкхолдерами, яка має бути представлена підприємством відповідно до вимог Міжнародного стандарту «Інтегрована звітність».
З огляду на необхідність комплексного розкриття даних про результати і перспектива розвитку взаємовідносин підприємства зі стейкхолдерами, обґрунтовано, що в інтегрованій звітності мають бути представлені дві групи показників – показники внесків стейкхолдерів у діяльність підприємства та показники інтересів стекхолдерів щодо діяльності підприємства, а також наведено орієнтовний перелік показників обох груп. Запропоновано механізм забезпечення достовірності даних інтегрованої звітності щодо взаємовідносин підприємства зі стейкхолдерів із урахуванням необхідності збереження належного рівня обліково-інформаційної безпеки підприємства.
Ключові слова: інтегрована звітність, інформація, стекхолдери.
H. O. Partyn, A. G. Zagorodniy
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Partyn H. O., Zagorodniy A. G., 2017
The necessity of systematic presentation of information in the reporting on the relationship of the enterprise with stakeholders is justified in this article on the basis of the research results of the issue concerning the purpose and content of the integrated reporting. The role of stakeholders is defined in the process of value creation by enterprise, the information characteristics regarding the enterprise relationships with stakeholders is provided, which should now be presented by the enterprise in accordance with International standard demands "Integrated Reporting".
Taking into account the need for a comprehensive disclosure of the results and prospects of relations development between enterprise with stakeholders, it is justified that an integrated reporting should include two groups of indicators - indicators of the stakeholders contributions in the enterprise activities and indicators of the stakeholders interests concerning the enterprise activity, as well as indicative list of both groups indicators is provided.
These indicators can be presented in a special section of reporting or in the individual sections according to the adopted structure at the enterprise and corporate practice of the structure creation of the integrated reporting. In addition, the indicators values should be provided for a few past and current periods as well as in the perspective. This will enable the enterprise to increase the interest of stakeholders regarding their activities and thus increase social and reputational capital, reduce production costs and products sales, increase income and cash flows, reduce risks of losses from the external influence factors, improve quality and increase the efficiency of resources and capital use, to implement innovations more actively and on this basis to increase the formation volume of added economic value and growth of the market value of the enterprise.
In addition, the paper contains proposals concerning integrated reporting data accuracy assurance for the stakeholders, taking into account the need to maintain a proper level of accounting and information security of the enterprise.
Key words: integrated reporting, information, stakeholders.

Література – 14

УДК 657.633.5:658.84:004.738.5
І. Б. Плотніченко
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
© Плотніченко І. Б., 2017
У статті розроблено концептуальну модель організації внутрішнього контролю суб’єкта електронної комерції, охарактеризовано ризики провадження електронної комерційної діяльності, обґрунтовано основні компоненти внутрішнього контролю в цій сфері, запропоновано етапи розвитку та напрями вдосконалення внутрішнього контролю досліджуваних підприємств.
Ключові слова: внутрішній контроль, електронна комерційна діяльність, контрольне середовище, оцінка ризиків, засоби контролю, інформаційне забезпечення, моніторинг, розвиток.
I. B. Plotnichenko
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Plotnichenko I. B., 2017
The article develops a conceptual model of effective system of internal control development for electronic trading entities, the use of which will promote the achievement of goals of strategic, economical-and-analytical, accounting-and reporting, statutory-and regulatory and risk-based directions. Factors of risk occurrence influence on electronic commercial activity, which should be taken into account while organization of internal control of business entities have been analyzed. Potential risks of online trade development, the estimation of which will assist to reduce them to the lowest acceptable level have been characterized. The risks of e-businesses are grouped in accordance with their types: information (risks of loss of confidentiality, integrity, efficiency, reliability, performance, consistency and availability of information resources), technology, personnel, legal, contract, currency, market as well as other risks; in relation to the processes: risks associated with creation and maintenance of e-commerce; risks associated with delivery process, risks associated with sale (delivery); risks associated with estimation; risks, related to the process financial results formation); in accordance with the objectives: risks of distortion of accounting information, performance decrease, loss of property and information, violation of laws and reputational risks.
The major components of internal control in the field of electronic business environment have been explained, namely control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, monitoring activities. Close interrelation of the components of internal control ensures the formation of an integrated system that is able to respond quickly to the challenges that arise in the implementation of e-commerce.
The stages of development of internal control on interactive enterprises have been suggested: the diagnostics of state of the system of internal control, the formalization of internal control, the assessment of the system of internal control on the level of business processes. The directions of improvement of internal control in the field under investigation have been determined: development of methods of internal control, development of internal control of information, development of indicators of the internal control efficiency.
Key words: internal control, e-business, e-commerce, control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, monitoring, development.

Література – 13

УДК 658.012:338.45
М. В. Реслер
Мукачівський державний університет
© Реслер М. В., 2017
У статті запропоновано заходи щодо моделювання механізму бюджетування, який забезпечить єдність підходів, оцінок, ефективне управління фінансово-господарською діяльністю, мінімізацію витрат, активізацію господарської діяльності, досягнення позитивного фінансового результату та забезпечення платоспроможності на автотранс¬портних підприємствах.
Ключові слова: бюджетування, автотранспортні підприємства, витрати операційної діяльності, витрати на оплату праці.
M. V. Resler
Mukachevo State University
© Resler M. V., 2017
The content of budgeting in the enterprise in crisis conditions, it outlines the importance of effective impact on the activities of the enterprise in the face of uncertainty and instability of the economy. Proved that the introduction of budgetary fundamentals targeted to the following tasks: improving financial discipline, optimizing the capital structure, the most effective restructuring of the company. It is noted that huge advantage of budgeting procedures is that in the development budget involved all structural units of the company. In this paper proposed measures to modeling budgeting mechanism that will ensure unity of approaches, assessments, effective management of financial and economic activity, minimizing costs, increased economic activity, a positive financial result and solvency on transport enterprises.
Considered types of budgets covering virtually all aspects of business enterprises, whereby it was established that budgeting is a technology integrated economic planning. The analysis showed that awareness of the value and benefits of modern technology makes business management companies investigated systematically improve existing intra-system planning.
Reviewed operational budgets, which are the source data for the compilation of the financial budget of the enterprise that includes a number of budgets - budget of revenues and operating expenses, which summarize the results of financial and economic activities of the period i show the effectiveness of managerial decisions; budget cash flow, which enables effective management of the solvency of the company; the budget balance, which shows the composition and value of the property, which is owned by the company, as well as sources of funds for the formation of this property.
Budgeting is necessary for the further economic development of the company. In the first stage of budgeting – budget planning – important role played by the choice of appropriate methods of budgeting systems with the influence of factors as key to the formation of realistic, adequate and objective market-budgets in an organization. Productive activity budgeting system, which ensures efficient operation of the business depends on maximum detail budgets and their assessment by the relevant criterion.
Keywords: budgeting, automobile company, operating costs, labor costs.

Література – 13

УДК 657.62:658.29
Т. П. Руда
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
© Руда Т. П., 2017
У статті розглянуто сучасні погляди науковців щодо економічної сутності трансакційних витрат. Розкрито сутнісне значення категорії трансакційні витрати діяльності суб’єктів господарювання та запропоноване власне визначення цього поняття. Висвітлено класифікацію трансакційних витрат, види трансакційних витрат та передумови виникнення, що в подальшому забезпечать можливість контролю виник¬нення трансакційних витрат та сприятиме їх зниженню і підвищенню ефективності діяльності суб’єктів господарювання.
Ключові слова: трансакційні витрати, суб’єкти господарювання, управління, матеріальні активи, собівартість продукції, прибуток підприємства.
T. P. Ruda
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Ruda T. P., 2017
The article examines applicable scientific views on the economic essence of the transaction costs. The essential meaning of the category transaction costs of business entities is revealed and own definition of the term is proposed. The classification of transaction costs, types of transaction costs and factors of their formation that in the future will provide the ability to control the formation of transaction costs and contribute to their reduction, as well as increase the efficiency of business entities are concidered.
From the analysis of representations of transaction costs at various stages of the transaction cost theory it may be concluded that the definition of the researched type of costs depends, firstly; on the, characteristics which the authors concentrate their attention on, describing the economic nature of the transaction costs, secondly, on the amount of costs referred to the transaction category by the authors, and thirdly, on the focus of research on the needs of the theory or practice.
The scientifically substantiated typology plays an important role in the research of transaction costs. During the research of transaction costs a wide range of their classifications is expanded. In general, this kind of accumulation of knowledge about the transaction costs is positive, but also leads to chaos in understanding and approach to these costs.
One of the most important features of transaction costs is that they allow for significant economies of scope, namely, as transaction volume in the sector increases the costs attributable to a contract reduce. The activity of the market mechanism induces the transaction costs, which increase with the complexity of the interchange circuit, and these costs can be reduced by creating regulatory organizations or mechanisms.
According to the research results of scientific sources it is believed that in terms of an aspect of transaction costs are the costs incurred in the process of interaction among entities on the exchange of material assets, activities, as well as the rights and obligations based on the relevant agreements.
The proposed definition of transaction costs of business entities is the result of generalization of existing definitions of transaction costs with specification of their formation conditions, providing identification of transaction costs, as well as the total amount of costs of business entities.
Key words: transaction costs, business entities, management, material assets, production costs, profits of the company.

Література – 23

УДК 657
С. Й. Сажинець
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
 Сажинець С. Й., 2017
У статті обґрунтовано доцільність запровадження на промислових підприємствах спеціалізованої первинної документації з бухгалтерського обліку напівфабрикатів власного виробництва, наведено окремі форми документів та приклади їх заповнення. Розглянуто підходи щодо організації аналітичного і синтетичного обліку виробництва та руху на підприємстві напівфабрикатів власного виробництва в умовах використання напівфабрикатного методу обліку виробничої собівартості.
Ключові слова: бухгалтерський облік, витрати, документування, напівфабрикати, облік напівфабрикатів, собівартість напівфабрикатів.
S. J. Sazhynets
Lviv Politechnic National University
 Sazhynets S. J, 2017
At industrial enterprises own produced semi-finished goods are the products that have not passed all stages of production envisaged by the manufacturing process and require further refinement or staffing. If such products are used not only for their own production needs, but also to implement other businesses, their movement and remains are advisable to account as semi-finished goods. Its main feature is that all manufactured semi-finished goods are to be documented and given in custody to special warehouses of semi-finished goods. Further, semi-finished goods are to be transmitted, depending on the needs, to the warehouse of finished products and their sales and to the shops, for use in production process. Thus, own produced semi-finished goods at the enterprise are both in a form of goods in process, production stocks at warehouses of semi-finished goods and in producing departments, and as stocks in warehouses of finished products. Therefore, for the formation of significant profits of the enterprise, the important task of accounting is to provide an objective determination of the cost value of semi-finished goods for each of these stages. This primarily requires appropriate analytical accounting and documenting of semi-finished goods transactions and their current assessment.
An important part of the accounting process of own produced semi-finished goods is their analytical accounting. With this objective in view, the article presents the classification procedure and assignment of nomenclature numbers to semi-finished goods, as well as primary documents and accounting records, which should be used to reflect the accounting operations, are characterized.
Own produced semi-finished goods are to be recorded not only in natural, but also in cost measures. Thus, for evaluating the volume of semi-finished goods in progress, the need for individual regulatory cost index of products, which is advisable to be defined only on the direct cost items, is reasoned. As the cost measure, for accounting the production output and use of semi-finished goods at the enterprise, the internal regulatory (regulatory and plan) prices are offered to be used. They should be regularly checked and adjusted.
While accounting the presence and movement of own produced semi-finished goods, Ukrainian enterprises use the account 25 “Semi-finished goods. All transactions in this account, with regard to accounting standards, are necessary to be accounted according to the actual production cost. Thus, the article describes the procedure for determining its cost figures at the stages of production, storage, use at the enterprise and sale of semi – goods to buyers. Taking into account the fact that each of these transactions is subject to reflection in accounting records, the article proposes forms of accounting documents that should be used and examples of their completion.
According to the listed accounting documents, the article illustrates the order of reflection of the cost value of own produced semi-finished goods in the accounts.
The use of semi-finished goods method to account own produced semi-finished goods, compared with non semi-finished goods method, affects the increasing of document flow and the number of accounting operations, but provides significant cost formation of produced and sold products and profits. Accordingly, the risks of economic sanctions to enterprises by the State fiscal authorities are minimized.
Key words: accounting, expenses, documentation, semi-finished goods, accounting of semi-finished goods, cost value of semi-finished goods.

Література – 4

УДК 330.341.1
Н. С. Станасюк
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
© Станасюк Н. С., 2017
У статті досліджено стан промислового потенціалу переробної промисловості як виду економічної діяльності, який має стратегічне значення в умовах становлення інноваційної моделі розвитку. Визначено компонентну структуру інтегрального індексу, на основі якого проведено оцінювання відтворювального та реалізованого потенціалу переробної промисловості. На основі одержаних результатів зроблено висновок, що для України характерною є зміна традиційної сировинної орієнтації галузевої структури промислового потенціалу в напрямі поступу до розвитку високотехнологічних виробництв, які в майбутньому повинні стати підґрунтям для становлення національної економіки.
Ключові слова: переробна промисловість, промисловий потенціал, індикатори оцінювання.
N. S. Stanasyuk
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Stanasyuk N. S., 2017
Today industrial potential is the key to the effective development of the national economy. In view of its significant role in shaping the economic future of the country, there is a need for a comprehensive assessment of its value and selection of indicators appropriate for identification of the existing in certain types of industry problems, in order to make effective management decisions aimed at their elimination in future.
Thus, the aim of the article is to develop an integrated potential index of the processing industry as a generalizing indicator of its condition in the modern world.
The author’s approach to the evaluation of the industrial potential is based on the selection of input and output indicators. This division allows to determine the reproductive potential of the processing industry as a potential opportunity to attract appropriate resources and the realized potential that characterizes the efficiency of their using (used opportunity). Thereby, input indicators are divided into general, characterized by the quantitative indicators of the resources amount and reflect the volume of their involvement, and specific ones, reflecting the quality characteristics of the resources. The proposed integral indicator has a complex hierarchical structure, where integral indexes in the view of the potential types are formed on the first level, by separate components – on the second level (social and labour, industrial and economic, financial and investment and innovation) and by the types of indicators – on the third one.
The research of the potential of different types of processing activity has been carried out in the article on the basis of the proposed indicators. A high level of the reproductive and realized potentials was defined in the manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products and basic pharmaceutical products that proves technological progress in the structural transformation of the industrial potential.
However, the results obtained show that the majority of industrial activities have low level of the reproductive potential which may have disastrous consequences for the future. Therefore, the main task of the state should be the development of an effective mechanism aimed at balancing the development of both substantive and industrial potentials of the industry on the way of transition to the innovative model of the economic development.
Key words: processing industry, industrial potential, evaluation indicators.

Література – 13

УДК 378
М. Т. Теловата
Національна академія статистики, обліку та аудиту
© Теловата М. Т., 2017
Статтю присвячено класифікації факторів конкурентоспроможності вищих навчальних закладів України. Наведено перелік факторів конкурентоспроможності вищих навчальних закладів загалом, подано характеристику факторів, які впливають на діяльність професорсько-викладацького складу. Основну увагу приділено внутрішнім факторам конкурентоспроможності вищих навчальних закладів, серед яких виокремлено управлінські, кадрові, матеріально-технічного й інформаційного забезпечення, економічні та студентського складу.
Ключові слова: вищий навчальний заклад, конкурентоспроможність, фактори.
M. T. Telovata
Національна академія статистики, обліку та аудиту
© Telovata M. T., 2017
Higher education institutions play an important role in shaping the economic envi¬ronment state and determine potential important criterion of economic development. Formation staffing of economy should be largely oriented to the characteristics and trends of its development. Scientific and technological progress, information and intellectual nature of economic development require a qualitatively different human resource capacity of its subjects. The mentioned arguments to determine the need for reorientation of higher education institutions to new conditions of functioning economic environment requires new approaches to the management of their activities, including the use of special marketing and other economic instruments, taking into account the specific needs of the education market and the labor market.
The study aims to identify the internal factors affecting the competitiveness of higher education institutions. Achieving the goal involves the following tasks: classification of internal factors affecting the competitiveness of higher education institutions; characteristic internal factors affecting the competitiveness of higher education.
This article lists the competitiveness of higher education institutions in general, given the characteristic factors that affect the activity of the faculty. The main focus is on internal factors of competitiveness of higher education institutions, among which are allocated managerial, personnel, logistics and information management, economic and student members. Grounded importance of these factors in shaping the competitiveness of the university, and to provide the proper level of quality of training in terms of a new type of economy – the knowledge economy. These factors can be the basis for the development and decision-making in the field of competitiveness of higher education institutions to the needs of the labor market and the education market.
Key words: institution of higher education, competitiveness, factors.

Література – 5

УДК 657.2.016
П. Я. Хомин
Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя
© Хомин П. Я., 2017
В усякій справі є межі, по обидві
сторони яких лежить брехня.
К. Горацій (65-8 р. до н.е.)
Розглянуто бухгалтерський облік як систему процедур. Проаналізовано зміст послідовності вирішування облікових завдань з погляду процедурного підходу до системи бухгалтерського обліку. Обґрунтовано необхідність елімінації тих облікових процедур, які є атавізмом і призводять до недостовірності даних бухгалтерського обліку.
Ключові слова: бухгалтерський облік, система процедур, операції, реєстрація, групування, інтерпретація, балансове узагальнення.
P. Y. Khomin
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
© Khomin P. Y., 2017
Considered accounting as a system of procedures. Analyzed the content of the sequence of the decision task account from the perspective of the procedural approach to the accounting system. The necessity of elimination procedures is atavism and lead to unreliability of the accounting data. The conclusion is made about the fallibility of opinions regarding the possible replacement of accounting ’strategic’ under the pretext that the retrospective accounts, the data is not operational. It is proved that the positioning of the accounting system is influenced and conditioned by the atavism of accounting procedures, which, starting from the thirties of the last century, was introduced randomly, turning mentioned ’substantial basis’ in the floppy mechanism unnecessary overlap and duplication and detail.
Marked exaggeration of the essence of the registration procedure in the theory of accounting, which is reduced to the maximum possible formalization of accounting procedures and that makes her a kind of mathematical language of the economic process. Formalized procedure opens the way to synthesis of various, at first glance, different solutions, as each of these solutions is a special case of the General universal procedure.
The necessity of withdrawal from the Arsenal of the methodology and methods of accounting such atavistic procedures that are based on inherently inaccurate methods and techniques for their implementation, predetermines the relativity of the data especially in regard to the definition of profit, therefore, the increment of the capital of enterprises. Proved the fallacy of the view of the accounting system due to its newsave disadvantages relative to the reflection factographic information and the substitution of a methodologically important research rant aimed at reunification accounting procedures.
Analyzed the content of the accounts of the individual operations from the point of view them as routine procedures, such as depreciation of fixed assets, primarily based on the fact that the sum of depreciation accrued in accordance with the requirements of tax accounting, and received in financial accounting will be different. It is proved that the carrying value of fixed assets defined for tax purposes, is not the same as the carrying amount of fixed assets in financial accounting. The difference resulting from the accounting of expenses for repair of fixed assets (without limitation), operations for the sale and liquidation of fixed assets, depreciation of non-production purpose.
Key words: accounting, system procedures, operations, registration, grouping, interpretation, balance generalization.

Література – 9

УДК 657.6
Л. В. Чижевська1, О. Р. Антонюк2
1Житомирський державний технологічний університет,
2Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування
© Чижевська Л. В., Антонюк О. Р., 2017
Розкрито стан конкурентного середовища аудиторської діяльності з теоретичного та практичного поглядів, на основі чого визначено напрями вдосконалення механізмів підвищення конкурентоздатності аудиторських фірм у спектрі надання не аудиторських послуг. Увагу у статті приділено послугам, відмінним від аудиту, які у структурі аудиторських послуг в Україні займають значну частку, і розвитку конкурентних спроможностей аудиторських фірм у їхньому просуванні на ринку. Акцентовано на ролі професійних організацій аудиторів та активізації роботи в напрямі збільшення ринку аудиторських послуг.
Ключові слова: конкурентоздатність, послуги, відмінні від аудиту, ринок аудиторських послуг України
L. V. Chyzhevska, O. R. Antoniuk
© Chyzhevska L. V., Antoniuk O. R., 2017
Purpose of the article is to outline the competitive environment of auditing theoretical and practical points of view and identify the increasing competitiveness of audit firms in Ukraine segment to provide services other than auditing.
In the paper the competitive environment of auditing in the light of theoretical and practical point of view was studied. Research of audit market in Ukraine are based on the presented and analyzed empirical data on the volume of audit services in the context of their species, the market structure for the 2014-2015 biennium. As a result of processing of research papers and study audit opinions of experts established the presence of a significant gap in the expectations of clients and offers Auditors, which also affects the development of the audit. Proved an intellectual factor significantly impacts on the quality of audit services, the performance of audit firms and market competition.
Given the increasingly important role of the developing economies in the global accounting world, it is important to examine the dynamics of auditor competition and market share development in Ukraine. This paper examines the market share change of both Big 4 firms and other firms in the Ukraine audit market, and the extent to which the market share affects audit competition in the most recent years. This paper examines the determinants of audit fees in the Ukraine auditing market with a focus on the market of local audit firms. Overall, the findings suggest that the structural change in Ukraine audit market impact pricing strategy for both Big 4 audit firms and local audit firms. In addition small audit firms need to focus more on improving audit quality for long term growth. The mechanisms of improving the competitiveness of audit firms in the spectrum of non-auditing services where determined.
To increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian audit firms proved the possibility of their union by creating associations or networks. Singled specific benefits of such associations. Actualized expediency of argumentation for business structures usefulness and necessity of audit services at the national level. It was established that the active development of economic entities aimed at providing audit firms is related and other services.
Кey words: auditor competition, non-auditing services, Ukraine auditing market

Література – 11

УДК 338.24:658.152:621
Н. І. Чухрай, З. О. Коваль
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
© Чухрай Н. І., Коваль З. О., 2017
Розкрито концепцію, зміст та принципи оцінювання ефективності маркетингової стратегії відповідно до етапу життєвого циклу вартісно-орієнтованого підприємства. Обґрунтовано застосування відповідних показників та методів оцінювання ефективності маркетингової стратегії на цих етапах. Встановлено відповідність між характером маркетингових стратегій та етапами життєвого циклу підприємства.
Ключові слова: показники оцінювання ефективності, маркетингова стратегія, ефективність маркетингової стратегії, варіанти стратегій, етапи життєвого циклу підпри¬ємства, вартісно-орієнтоване підприємство, стратегія голубого океану, життєвий цикл стратегії, інноватори вартості.
N. I. Chukhray, Z. О. Koval
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Chukhray N. I., Koval Z. О.,2017
The conception, content and principles of evaluation of efficiency of the marketing strategy is revealed according to the stage of life cycle of values-driven enterprise. Application of the appropriate ratings and methods of the evaluation of efficiency of the marketing strategy on these stages is justified. Correspondence between the nature of marketing strategies and the stages of the life cycle of enterprise is established.
The life cycle of the enterprise is the consequence of development strategy its administration has chosen. Marketing strategy allows to take into account the features of the life cycle of the product at different stages of the life cycle of enterprise as much as possible in the light of the life cycle of the market. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the marketing strategy of enterprise will enable to choose an appropriate corrective measures at these stages as well as allocate the resources of an enterprise in an optimally way in order to increase its value. This article is devoted to the formation of the general concept of evaluation of the effectiveness of the marketing strategy of values-driven enterprises at different stages of its life cycle.
The possibilities of the evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing strategy is studied depending on the stage of the life cycle of enterprise. The content and principles of the evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing strategy at the different stages of life cycle of the values-driven enterprises are elected. The possibilities of reorganization values-driven enterprise by improving effectiveness of its marketing strategy are analyzed.
Key words: indicators of efficiency evaluation, marketing strategy, marketing strategy efficiency, strategy options, life cycle of enterprise, value-based enterprise, Blue Ocean Strategy, Enterprise life cycle (ELC), strategy life-cycle (SLC), value innovators.

Література – 8

УДК 657. 1 (477)
В. Є. Швець
Львівський національний університет ім. І. Франка
© Швець В. Є., 2017
Уперше введено в науковий обіг кодифікований План рахунків, розроблений Ревізійним союзом українських кооператив на початку 40-х років ХХ ст. Проведено порівняльний аналіз структури плану рахунків РСУК з нині чинним в Україні. Розкрито зміст окремих класів рахунків та їхніх відмінностей у контексті сьогодення.
Ключові слова: клас рахунків, кодифікація, план рахунків, рахунок, РСУК, субрахунки.
V. Е. Shvets
Lviv Ivan Franko National University
 Shvets V. Е., 2017
For the first time a codified chart of accounts, designed by Revizijny’j soyuz ukrayins’ky’h kooperaty’v at the early forties of XX century, is introduced into scientific circulation. A comparative analysis of the structure of a chart of accounts RSUK with operating in Ukraine version is performed. The content of separate classes of accounts is uncovered with differences in the context of current realities. The study was conducted on the basis of work not covered in the scientific literature, prepared by reviewers of Revizijny’j soyuz ukrayins’ky’h kooperaty’v (RSUK) in the early 40s of the XX century.
The work consists of two parts: the first part contains a general list of accounts with their codes; the second part performs the function of the instructions for use of accounts with documental and methodical explanation. Using method of deduction, the overall structure of accounts designed by RSUK reviewed in seven analytical tables, the analysis of separate classes and groups of accounts are compared with the plan of accounts that are used today in Ukraine. In the structure of names of classes, in order of their construction a number of differences are revealed. Analysis of codification of the chart of accounts RSUK, showed them as more detailed as now operating chart of accounts in Ukraine, that allowed us to form several conclusions.
Thus, grouping accounts into classes and their codification, RSUK formed on the basis of the German school and according to the ranking of liquidity, where the most liquid are monetary assets. The initial terms of the construction of accounts have been and continue to be types of activities, sector features and variety of assets and liabilities. The changes of chart of accounts implements under the influence of technique and accounting process technology, latest scientific and technical progress and challenges of the global problems that lead to new accounting objects. Given the historical experience of codification of accounts RSUK it is advisable to consider in the formation of today’s chart of accounts that will create a modern paradigm of efficient accounting and analytical systems of business in Ukraine.
Key words: class of accounts, codification, chart of accounts, account, RSUK, sub accounts.

Література – 5

УДК 658.12:336.14
І. Й. Яремко
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
© Яремко І. Й., 2017
Розглянуто зміст вартісно-орієнтованої концепції управління та використовувані у ній інструментальні засоби. Проаналізовано зміст управлінського інструментарію для встановлення факторів вартості та показники, що формують інтегральний критерій зростання ринкової вартості економічного суб’єкта. Наведено недоліки у використо¬вуваній системі формалізованих і неформалізованих показників та сформульовано окремі аспекти вдосконалення економічного інструментарію для впровадження вартісно-орієнтованої концепції управління у вітчизняну практику.
Ключові слова: управління вартістю, економічний інструментарій, оцінно-аналітичні системи, показники, індикатори, фактори вартості.
I. Yо. Yaremko
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Yaremko I. Yо., 2017
The content value-oriented management concept and used it tools. Analyzed the content management tools to establish cost factors and indicators that form integral criterion increase in the market value of the economic entity. An deficiencies in the system used formal and informal indicators and formulated certain aspects of improvement of economic instruments for the implementation of value-oriented management concept in domestic practice.
Proved that problems indicative foundations of economic evaluation is complicated by the fact that different models based on different indicators mal value drivers, recognizing certain more important in the dominant characteristics of their impact on cost. Over importance weights informal indicators recognized as having an exaggerated importance to the integrated economic cost characteristics of the subject. Argued greater reliability fact rely on indicators that have a formal response, based on quantitative assessments verified. It is proved that the financial indicators used for this purpose because of their different interpretation also take slightly different values, and general indicators and indicators used in varying formulated assessment system business is different.
It was concluded that despite the shortcomings are methodical and methodological evaluation of cost parameters, the identification and optimization of key value drivers, installation of subordination and subordination of individual elements influence the impact on the cost, value management system can be characterized by appropriate and effective management concept. This zauvazhuyutsya that key components of the composition different methodological basis of economic evaluation of cost parameters enterprise has no clear algorithms, but depends on the subjective view of the weighted value of a metric or indicator that weakens the formalization of the results of the evaluation system. Given the important role subjectively determined criterion values of certain parameters and indicators, the conclusion is a prerequisite to attract the maximum possible number of formal parameters in system cost assessment offered as the direction for further development of these systems.
Adhering to the highest position on the formal objective indicators as key indicators evaluation system and basis in the conceptual foundations of this system, which evaluates more real economic resources (assets-based approach), we accentuated the need for the introduction of the system cost as much formal evaluation indicators that really characterize cost factors.
Key words: cost management, economic instruments, evaluative and analytical systems, performance indicators, cost factors.

Література – 12

УДК 657.37:336
І. Й. Яремко, Л. М. Пилипенко, Н. Ю. Подольчак
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
© Яремко І. Й, Пилипенко Л. М., Подольчак Н. Ю., 2017
В статті на основі емпіричних даних обґрунтовано актуальність удосконалення методології бухгалтерського обліку компонентів інтелектуального потенціалу компаній. На основі концепції збереження інтелектуального капіталу розроблено підходи до балансової репрезентації інтелектуального потенціалу компаній. Сформульовано методологічні й методичні положення до обліково-звітної репрезентації компонентів інтелектуального потенціалу компаній.
Ключові слова: бухгалтерський облік, фінансова звітність, інтелектуальний потенціал компаній, концепція збереження капіталу.
І. Yo. Yaremko, L. M. Pylypenko, N. Y. Podolchak
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Yaremko I. Yo., Pylypenko L. M., Podolchak N. Y., 2017
The problem of inconsistency in full value presentation of the components of the companies’ intellectual potential in the system of their accounting and financial reporting causes a lot of difficulties in managerial decision making by market entities. The problem of differences in value estimations of the companies’ capital formed by a market mechanism (the stock) and presented in the balance sheets is characterized by the most expressive manifestation.
The current methodology of accounting for intangible assets requires the recognition of only those objects that are purchased from other business entities. This approach is based on the principle of objectification, for overcoming of which the proposed conceptual and methodological approaches to the accounting of the components of the companies’ intellectual potential are aimed. Formulated proposals envisage the development of methodology and methods of accounting of the components of the companies’ intellectual potential, based on the concept of intellectual capital preservation.
Main results of the research are revealed in the justification of the balance representation of the companies’ intellectual potential, which envisages the allocation in the asset balance of intellectual assets, and in liabilities – the intellectual capital. The value of intellectual assets covers two components – the cost of transformed other forms of capital and additionally created value, and the value of intellectual capital reflects only the valuable measurement of synergistic effect of the transformation of other forms of capital. It is proved that this method helps to achieve the reality of the information on the creation of additional intellectual value. On the basis of this methodological approach methodology of the components of the companies’ intellectual potential reflection in the accounts is proposed.
Key words: accounting, financial reporting, companies’ intellectual potential, concept of intellectual capital maintenance.

Література – 13

УДК 657. 37
А. І. Ясінська, Н. І. Демків
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
© Ясінська А. І., Демків Н. І., 2017
У статті розглянуто поняття управлінської звітності підприємства, основні вимоги щодо формування в ній інформації, розглянуто класифікацію та види управлінської звітності, яка досліджена науковцями, а також основні етапи побудови методології управлінської звітності.
Ключові слова: управлінська звітність, класифікація, види управлінської звітності, вимоги щодо інформації, методика формування.
А. I. Yasinska, N. I. Demkiv
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Yasinska A. I., Demkiv N. I., 2017
The article analyzes approaches towards interpreting of the tem «managerial accounting» in papers of different scientists, provides key information groups, namely strategic, tactical and operative. It has been established that confidentiality is an important characteristics of information which encompasses all the three groups. In order to achieve the desired result and make efficient managerial decisions it is necessary to consider the main stages of decision-making process which is why scientists set out certain criteria for creating managerial accounting and the main requirements as to information which must factor in the forms, purpose, structure and users of a certain type of managerial accounting. In view of the unique character of managerial accounting system at each particular enterprise, classification and types of managerial accounting in the papers of scientists testify to absence of a single approach. Authors use different criteria and attribute different types of managerial accounting to them. The article summarizes approaches towards classification, lays out the principal, in our opinion, features and types of accounting which may be attributed to them.
Owing to organizational specificities of enterprise operation, introduction of methods of managerial accounting must be done in a systemic manner. A systemic approach will help develop a model for processing, interpretation and transfer of information on different managerial levels, both for formation managerial accounting and making managerial decisions, and clearly determine its purpose, certain criteria, tasks, trends, requirement and approaches. Apart from that, the article lays out certain stages of structuring for determining a specific methodology of managerial accounting formation which include: determining of the main aim and setting objectives for managerial accounting; determining the content, structure, form and terms for submitting managerial accounting; determining the link between structure of financial, tax, statistical and other accounting indices and the structure of additional indices of managerial accounting; determining and reflecting efficiency indices in managerial accounting; control and analysis of managerial accounting enforcement.
Key words: managerial accounting, classification, types of managerial accounting, requirements for information, methods of formation.
Література – 12

УДК 657.42.330.322.5
О. С. Яцунська
Одеський національний економічний університет
© Яцунська О. С., 2017
У статті досліджено методологічні аспекти обліку основних засобів на стадії надходження. Зазначено нормативну розбіжність та неврегульованість облікового відображення операцій із формування первісної вартості об’єктів основних засобів щодо фінансових витрат, пов’язаних зі створенням кваліфікаційних активів; забезпечень на суму зобов’язань підприємства щодо вибуття об’єктів основних засобів та відновлення довкілля. Уточнено та доповнено типову кореспонденцію рахунків бухгалтерського обліку при створенні відповідних забезпечень та подальшому їх коригуванні під впливом змін оцінки.
Ключові слова: актив, основні засоби, життєвий цикл основних засобів, первісна вартість, кваліфікаційний актив, зобов’язання, забезпечення, МСФЗ.
О. S. Іatsunska
Odessa National Economic University
© Іatsunska О. S., 2017
The article is concerned with studying the methodological aspects of fixed assets accounting at the stage of receipt in terms of bringing the national accounting system to International financial reporting standards. The regulatory divergence and lack of resolution to the accounting reflection of operations on formation of historical cost of fixed assets at the national level and their inconsistency with international requirements, particularly in terms of financial costs, provisions for liabilities for the conclusion of fixed assets retirement and environmental restoration, were designated. A typical correspondence of accounts of accounting in the creation of relevant provisions, and their subsequent adjustment under the influence of changes in assessment, were updated and expanded. The necessity of the changes in the name of the second order account 478 "Provision on the recovery of land", that becomes relevant in the modern conditions of increasing environmental orientation records, was grounded. The allocation subaccount 479 "Provision on the disposal of fixed assets", due to its other content, was proved. A perspective direction for further research in this area is studying the order of formation of historical cost of fixed assets on the conditions of the advance payment.
Key words: asset, fixed assets, life cycle of the fixed assets, historical cost, qualifying asset, liability, provision, IFRS.

Література – 12

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